장비 > Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope


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Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
작성자 관리자 등록일 21-03-25 16:53 조회 520
제작사 Thermo Fisher Scientific 모델명 Apreo S 도입연도 2021.03.11

? Electron Optics
 -Electron column : TriglavTM
 -Electron Gun : High brightness Schottky emitter
 -Resolution : 0.6 nm at 15 keV (In Beam SE), 0.9 nm at 1 keV (BD mode)
 -Probe Current : < 2 pA to 400 nA
 -Electron Beam Energy : 50 eV to 30 keV
? Chamber
 -Dimensions : Internal dimensions: 340 mm (width) x 315 mm (depth), 
 -Door: 340 mm (width) x 320 mm (height)
 -Chamber Vacuum: High vacuum : < 9 ×10-3 Pa
 -SEM Gun Vacuum: < 3 x 10-7 Pa
 -pumping time after specimen exchange typically < 3,5 minutes
 -Stage Movements : X = 130 mm (- 65 mm to + 65 mm), Y = 130 mm (- 65 mm to + 65 mm), Z = 90 mm, Tilt = ?60° to +90°, Rotation : 360°
? Detectors Specifications
 -SE Detector : Everhart-Thornley type
 -In-Beam SE detector : Located in the SEM column
 -Mid-Angle BSE detector : Second in-column detector
 -LE-BSE detector mot. : scintillator type
 -In-Beam f-BSE : scintillator-based back-scattered electron detector mounted in-column
 -Beam Deceleration Technology(BDT) mode : Energy range is extended down to 50 eV
? Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer
 -NEW Bruker Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer QUANTAX 200
 -LN2-free high-speed Detector XFlash® 6
? Lithography System
 -Elphy Quantum lithography system compatibility
첨부파일 Image1.jpg