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작성자 관리자 등록일 21-09-01 01:56 조회 591
제작사 PNS International 모델명 PSPM1821-A 도입연도 2021.02.22

? Polishing Plate(table)
 -Plate : 18inch dia Stainless steel Ø457×Ø160 x 45mmt
 -평면도 : 0 - 3um 이내 ,Run out : 10um 이내
 -Plate R.P.M. : 20 ~ 150 R.P.M
 -Water Cooling Plate System
? Polishing Head (Vacuum type)
 -Diameter : ø165
 -Material : Stainless steel
 -Speed : 10 - 80rpm
 -Pressure : 5-300gram/cm2 for 4" & 6" wafer variable air pressure eletronic controller
? Process : 5 step process (rpm, pressure, time, slurry ,DI )
 -Multi recipe : 10 recipe process
 -Ceramic work carrier 4" & 6" wafer
? Slurry pump
 -pump : roller pump
 -Nozzles : Silicone tube
 -Flow Rate : Max 50 ml/min , Slurry tube post
? New type Oscillation (Bridge type )
 -Bridge type Oscillation and Diamond dressing system
 -Nylon Brush for Pad Cleaning and Di Water Rinse
 -Diameter : ø180mm ( 0.5mm brush, 10mm )
 -R.P.M. : 10 - 80
 -Dressing Mode By Recipe : table rpm, head rpm, di ,weight ,time
? Control
-Control : Touth & PLC + Programma
? Main
-Main Motor Drive : 2.2kW, 220V, 3 P
-Slow Start & Slow Stop Function
-Machine Weight : 1,600Kg
-Machine Dimension(W×D×H) : 1,100ⅹ1,600ⅹ2,000mmh
첨부파일 Image2.jpg