장비 > FE-SEM


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작성자 jnsinc 등록일 21-01-20 15:44 조회 517
제작사 Hitachi 모델명 S-4300 SE 도입연도 2004-01
용도 반도체소자를 포함한 여러 물질의 표면형태 분석과 부속장치를 이용한 Cathodoluminescence 측정 및 Lithography 공정

? Resolution :
- 1.5 (at accelerating voltage of 15kV Working distance of 5mm)
- 5.0 (at accelerating voltage of 1kV Working distance of 5mm)
? Magnification : -20x to 500000x
? Electron Optics
- Electron gun : Cold-cathode field emission electron gun (ZrO/W)
- Emission extracting voltage(Vext) : 0 to 6.5 kV
- Schottky emission source Accelerating voltage (Vacc) : 0.5 to 30kV (in increment of 0.1kV/step)
- Lens system : Electromagnetic lens reduction system
- Objective lens aperture : Movable self-cleaning type thin aperture
? Specimen Size : 120  ~ 160 mm dia
첨부파일 SEM.jpg